Build your own tap-to-pay application with minimum effort and maximum features in no time.
Softpay delivers a Software Development Kit (SDK), for integration in your own solution, and which provides the main building blocks and a rich feature set.

Fully secured and pre-certified with a wide range of card schemes and access to a network of Acquirers and ECR solution providers.
Softpay SoftPOS SDK
rocket icon

Get started with minimum effort

Seamlessly integrate into an existing Point-of-Sale app or other app of choice, with your own user experience.
cards icon

Off the shelf feature set

Gain access to the existing card schemes, acquirers and feature set that you need to maximise the payment experience.

Secured and compliant

With Softpays isolated SDK you can leverage our existing certifications and deploy your solution faster to the market.

What is in the box?

Softpay Software Developer Kit (SDK) has all the components and API’s you need as an Integrator for building a superior solution with tap-to-phone functionality.
Softpay SDK diagram


The SDK client library to include in your own app, that enables it with Tap to Phone technology. The SDK includes contactless kernels for reading all compliant payment cards and wallets, a secure PIN pad for cardholder entry, and an attestation component to guard your client and thereby stay compliant.


Extensive and well documented SDK client API for the app integration and a sample app makes it easy to get started. With a certified isolated SDK, your own certification is limited to an absolute minimum.


A cloud-hosted and managed back-end service with Attestation services, so you can focus on customers while Softpay runs the compliance processes.


Back-end REST API’s for merchant and terminal onboarding and optional webhooks for event notification to your backend.


Great support and guidance from the Softpay team assist you on your path to building your own solution and going live.

Card schemes we support

SDK Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is SoftPOS SDK?

    The SDK (Software Development Kit) is a client library designed for acceptance of contactless payment cards. Extend your current Point-of-Sale application with SoftPOS capabilities to meet market demand and an integrated experience. You gain access to the same set of capabilities which are provided in the Softpay App. 

  • Why use the SDK?

    The SDK enables you to create your own mobile payment acceptance application with minimum effort and with maximum features. You can re-use the Softpay certification, our support for card schemes and a broad network of acquirer integrations. With the SDK you get a faster time-to-market without the hazzle of extensive certifications and for less cost.

  • What devices are supported?

    We support commercial off-the-shelf devices from Android 8.1 and above with NFC capabilities, which means that most phones and tablets are supported. In general, the newer a device, the better the support and user experience. Check the developer site for more details on our device policy. 

  • Who is the SDK for?

    The SDK is ideal for ISOs, ISVs, Payment Facilitators and Acquirers, who want to create their own user experience and own mobile application. It streamlines the development process, reducing the time and resources spent on building payment solutions from scratch. 

    If needed, the platform can be extended with an additional Acquirer connection as a project request. 

  • Does the SDK replace Appswitch and Cloudswitch?

    No, the SDK is an additional option for those who want to build a full end-to-end payment experience and where branding and a single mobile App is important. For those who want to have an easier and faster time-to-market, we recommend the standard app and integration using Appswitch or Cloudswitch.

  • How to get started with the SDK?

    We have developed sample code, comprehensive documentation and providing technical support to all our partners. To start using our SoftPOS SDK contact us at to get an agree ment. 


Accept payments with Softpay

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